WAKE UP to the benefits of Sleep!

Happy New Year!

While many of us might have stayed up till midnight on New Year's Eve, we all know how important a full night's rest is. But did you know that sleep and stress are connected to your overall lifespan? In fact, a study suggested that heavy stress can decrease your lifespan by 2.8 years! That's why in our next webinar, we'll be talking about ways to combat stress and the importance of sleep in promoting health on January 21st at 2 PM. Take a minute to check out this video from Health and Wellness Coach Misty Heifrin to find out more about the webinar. It'll open your eyes to the benefits of sleep!

Don't forget to register for the webinar and to mark your calendars for January 21 at 2:00 PM. We'll send out another reminder as we get closer to the day of the webinar. The registration link and zoom information are listed below.

REGISTER for the webinar here: https://forms.gle/dFJr6n4RQEtFj9Fb6

Ben Hanna
Director, San Antonio
Church Health Initiative
Texas Baptists


December 22, 2020


Happy New Year TWP Family