Do you know what “TEL” stands for? How about “BYKOTA”? What is that? I had no clue until this morning.
Let me tell you how it happened…
Every morning, I prepare and send out a daily devotional. It is simple: I choose a photo I took, pair it with a scripture passage, and send it out for others to read, study, and experience. You may know this already; it’s called THE DAILY GAZE!
This is what today’s looks like:
WED. OCTOBER 16, 2024
I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:5-7)
Fan that flame of faith so we can fly! Remember. Continue. Power. Love. Discipline. Peace and love fam!
A friend who received the DAILY GAZE responded to me.
The TEL class in churches - used to be a popular name for an older ladies class. For years, I thought it was an evangelism emphasis that just got misspelled. 😉
When I asked what “TEL” stood for, he answered, “Timothy, Eunice, Lois.”
How cool is it to see and know that the faith fanned our way by family members is super important? Life giving! Your grandma (I call mine - Golden Grams) has been praying for you. Your mom so desires you to see and know Jesus. Maybe you are that family member or friend for someone you are in close proximity to. Perhaps it is a coworker, fellow church member, pastor, or ministry leader. (Yes pastors and ministry leaders need fanning too!)
Whatever the case, let us take note to be all the more intentional today—intentional in accepting the stoke, purposeful, and maybe even strategic in how we share the stoke. I feel the acronym “TEL” is incorrect. It should be “LET” (from Lois to Eunice and then to Timothy).
It is our turn, fam.
LET us keep fanning, and LET us fly!
I hope you have a super day. Peace and love!
**Did you figure out what BYKOTA stands for?
I was told it is another OG church class. “BE YE KIND ONE TO ANOTHER”.
I will leave this one for another day.