Men’s Cancer Awareness!

Howdy TWP family! Early detection saved my life!

I mean that. February 3, 2019 I was enjoying my family, the super bowl, and my brisket nachos. At halftime I decided to take a bathroom break, it was there I noticed something was not right “down below”. I noticed a lump on my left testicle. I didn’t want to freak out but to be honest my mind and heart began to race. I told and showed Hannah. We decided that first thing the next day I would try to get an appointment with a doctor. I walk in to Urology San Antonio the following Friday morning, had an ultrasound done and then these words came;

“This is more than likely cancer”.

I had surgery to remove the tumor and testicle three days later. One week and a day from the surgery it was confirmed; CANCER!

“The good news is that testicular cancer is one of the most treatable and survivable types of cancer. When detected early, 99% percent of guys diagnosed with testicular cancer survive it, and go on to lead normal, active lives.” (National Cancer Institute) According to The Testicular Cancer Foundation, “the best way for men to be proactive is to do a monthly self-exam of their testicles to check for lumps, hardness or swelling.”

Since my diagnosis this has been my theme scripture and drive:

See how I love your commandments, Lord. Give back my life because of your unfailing love.
{Psalms‬ ‭119:159‬}

Friends, know that because HE lives, we live! This month I seek to advocate for life and health! Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual! Will your journey with us?! Will you seek health and Jesus?! We can do this together! I have been and will be growing a mustache to raise awareness and funds that will benefit The Testicular Cancer Foundation. You can join in too! Grow that mustache or beard!

You can learn more or support financially by clicking the button below. This week there will be a special edition TWP Conversations featuring Connor O’Leary from TCF.
Also, this month I will be sharing more information on men’s health and fun updates for this mission!

Blessings and much love!


Meet Nad & Tad


“Texan On The Fly”