Happy New Year! Can we or should we still greet each other this way? Why don’t we mark today as the last day to do so? Speaking of the last day, did you know today is National “Quitters Day”? Don’t know what that is? Check out this excerpt from a website I stumbled across:

History Of Quitters Day

In 2019, extensive research was conducted by Strava — a social network for athletes — and it was found that approximately 80% of people who made New Year’s resolutions have tapped out by the second week of January. Making deductions from the available 800 million user-logged activities in that year, Strava even went on to predict that the second Friday of January was the fateful day when the motivations of most quitters begin to decline. The main areas of focus for resolutions involve exercise, eating habits, and weight loss.

New studies have found that about two-thirds of people abandon their New Year’s resolution within a month. One of the major problems with achieving new year resolutions is that those who set them are over-ambitious. People usually start with high levels of motivation, but as time progresses, the drive begins to wane. The key in achieving goals is to set short, medium, and long-term goals as opposed to one large unrealistic stretch goal. Starting small and staying consistent, and also pairing up with someone else to remain accountable and motivated, will lead to good results. The day is not one to make fun of those who set goals and quit, but one to ultimately inspire them to eventually achieve their goals despite all odds. (CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE)

Let today be a moment in 2023 when God breathed fresh air to motivate us to press on in His Name! My hope is that this post opens our eyes to see we need better health in five areas; Spiritual, Physical, Mental/Emotional, Financial, and Relational.

The Whole Pastor (TWP) was birthed with the idea to advocate for and encourage pastors in San Antonio, the state of Texas, and beyond. TWP seeks to be a central hub connecting pastors, their families, and their communities to a stronger relationship with God and one another by focusing on the areas mentioned above.

What I am trying to say is that TWP has the drive to be a voice that says; Don’t Quit!

So let’s start small while seeking consistency!

  • Memorize one bible verse for the next 30 days. Colossians 3:17 is my goal. (Spiritual Health)

  • Set out to take a 20 min walk daily for the next 30 days. Do this with your spouse and kids! (Physical Health)

  • Go to bed earlier. I will be shooting for 9:30 pm. (Sleep deprivation does impact Mental/Emotional Health)

  • Eat at home six out of the seven days for all three meals. (Financial Health)

  • Call, Text, or email a pastor friends asking how you can pray for them. (Relational Health)

This is just a starting place!
We will break down each focus area weekly. You can do this! We can do this!
Please feel free to reach out at any time! (

Happy Friday TWP Fam! Peace and Love!


Cmon! Let’s Go! You’re Good!


“Quitters Day”